Hero image for Embedded Finance is no longer a distant point on the horizon, but a reality.

Embedded Finance is no longer a distant point on the horizon, but a reality.

Navigating the present reality of embedded finance

In the guide we’ve broken down the strategies around the globe that are working, and those that aren’t.

You’ll emerge with the beginning of an understanding of where the opportunities could lie for your organisation.

So who are the players already putting this tactic into effect? And what trends can be observed from them? In this report we have answered these questions and many more.

  • An overview of the current state of play
  • Actionable insights on sector and geography
  • A side-by-side comparison of all of the players
  • A breakdown of the different Asian players
  • The European players
  • The US players
  • Strategic insights on how you can take advantage
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The growing imperative of embedded finance

It has now become possible for companies outside the Financial Services sector to embed every financial service product currently imaginable. This trend is now a reality, and rather an opportunity, it may become an imperative as a customer retention strategy.


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Cover image for Uncover the real tactics and tools required to build banks

Uncover the real tactics and tools required to build banks

Download a complete 60-page guide to conceptualising, designing and launching cutting-edge neobanks that anyone can follow.


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